How To Make Spicy Turmeric Ginger Tea For Knee And Joint Pain

Pagina Principal

Arthritis Foundation

Knee pain on the whole is a very common condition and frequent problem presenting to general practitioners. The overall prevalence of knee pain in the population is approximately 19%.” – Virtual Medical Centre

“Several recent studies show that turmeric/curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses…A 2010 clinical trial found that a turmeric supplement (provided) long-term improvement in pain and function in 100 patients with knee OA (osteoarthritis). – The Arthritis Foundation.

If you were to Google “turmeric pain benefits” or “turmeric pain benefits study,” (as this writer did), you’d be astonished at what comes back. Study after study, institution after institution, has confirmed and reconfirmed the astounding health benefits of turmeric or curcumin.

Although ginger is not as widely recognized within the medical community, it too has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. As a side note, ginger is also known to treat acute conditions such as motion sickness, nausea, and digestive problems. Ginger is generally accepted as one of the healthiest foods in existence due to its nutritional density.

Combining these two natural ingredients into a single recipe yields a potent pain-relieving mix. While there are plenty of recipes that provide some measure of pain relief, few if any are as versatile and powerful as turmeric and ginger tea.
In this article, we discuss how to make this simple and tasty beverage. In as little as 10 minutes, you can be enjoying this wonderful concoction. We’ve supplemented the recipe with some necessary information, including recommended dosages and potential prescription drug interactions (please be sure to read!)

Let’s get to it then!


Here’s what you’ll need:

  •  One cup of water
  • ¼ teaspoon of (preferably, organic) ground turmeric
  • ¼ teaspoon of (again, preferably organic) ground ginger
  • Up to a tablespoon of honey to provide some sweetness (optional)
  • A strainer

  • Bring the cup of water to a boil
  • Add the ¼ teaspoon of turmeric and ¼ teaspoon of ginger
  • Reduce the heat to a simmer
  • Let cool for 10-15 minutes
  • Strain mixture to eliminate hardened compounds
  • Sip, and add honey to preferred taste
Additional notes:

As many of us are quite busy, some may prefer the convenience of a supplement. Supplements are ubiquitous and sold at most whole food and nutrition retailers.

Both ginger supplements and turmeric/curcumin supplements, and are ordinarily sold individually. However, there are a few quality products that combine the two ingredients. Just make sure that you conduct the proper research when choosing the product.

Relatedly, turmeric/curcumin supplements are very healthy, provided that the manufacturer adheres to sound production techniques.

As with any dietary supplement, turmeric should be consumed at recommended levels. This can be a bit confusing, as turmeric is produced in a variety of ways. The main five turmeric products are:

  • Fluid extract
  • Fresh turmeric root
  • Turmeric supplement with a certain percentage or ratio of curcumin
  • Tincture
  • Turmeric dried root powder
Recommended Dosage:

Per the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), the permissible dosage of each type of turmeric product are as follows (as a ratio of turmeric to curcumin for two):

  • Fluid extract (1:1) 30 to 90 drops a day
  • Dried, powdered root: 1 to 3 grams per day
  • Standardized curcumin powder (1:1): 400 to 600 milligrams, 3 times daily
  • Cut root: 1.5 to 3 grams per day
  • Tincture (1:2): 15 to 30 drops, 4 times per day
UMMC adds: “Turmeric and curcumin supplements are considered safe when taken at the recommended doses. However, taking large amounts of turmeric for long periods of time may cause stomach upset and, in extreme cases, ulcers. People who have gallstones or obstruction of the bile passages should talk to their doctor before taking turmeric.

Drug Interactions:

Though a natural substance, turmeric/curcumin can interact with certain medications. Individuals prescribed the following drugs should consult a physician before taking turmeric/curcumin in any form:

  • Blood-thinning medications: Turmeric can exacerbate the effects of blood-thinning drugs, making the patient more prone to bleeding. Common blood thinners include Coumadin (generic: Warfarin), Plavix (generic: Clopidogrel), and aspirin.
  • Diabetes medications: Turmeric can enhance the effects of diabetes drugs, and increase the risk of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Stomach acid medications: Turmeric can increase levels of acid within the stomach when taken with stomach acid meds. Common medications include: Nexium (generic: Esomeprazole), Pepcid (generic: Famotidine), Prevacid (generic: Lansoprazole), Prilosec (generic: Omeprazole), Tagamet (generic: Cimetidine), and Zantac (generic: Ranitidine).

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